Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

Good morning faithful followers!

I am not very good at this, I rather be searching through Ravelry, knitting or spending time with the family. I am going to give this a go and see what happens. There are some awesome blogs out there with some awesome knitting being shared. Hopefully I will be able to share all the wonderful things that I have been working on. I swear I have ADD (adult style). There are so many things I am interested in, so many things I want to do, so many things I start. Definitely have a case of startitis. My most current projects I have been working on are a pair of Birthday socks for Carol, a shawl for my mom for her birthday, a sweater for my grand-daughter for her birthday, bed socks for me! I probably have others somewhere in a bag just waiting for me.

I am so new to this blogging thingy. I need to figure out so much to make it so much more interesting. Hopefully I'll be able to post more pictures. For now though, I have to get back to my knitting.

Hooray! Figured out how to add a picture. The cats are Bengi, my big black furry male and Kiki my beautiful siamese. This is how we sit every night. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

barbara said...

hi cathy! i see what you mean about your cats in your lap. that is SO sweet! leo, who i mentioned in my ravelry post, sits in my lap or with his front paws across my thighs as i sit at the head of my bed, legs crossed, knitting...or maybe he lies next to me stretched out full length...he's my constant companion...the minute i sit on the bed, no matter where he's been, he's within a minute leaping up to be beside me. this is a cat, btw, who was so scared when i got him from the shelter that it took 2-3 years to get him to let me pick him up at all and then only when he was right next to me on the bed, he'd let me put him on my reclined chest for a second, start licking his nose in his anxiety (still does that!), and then would jump off. still he's hard to pick up and easily scared but is so much braver than he used to be and now if i pick him up and put him on my chest as i rest back on my bed he'll stay there for a minute or so before moving on but his own boldness in getting up into my lap is his own choice and something he's only taken to doing just recently. i think i've had him for 8-10 years!! :)